Step #1 - Create Users at the System Level
To begin setting up your ChiroHD system, start by creating system-level user accounts for all individuals who need immediate access to help with the clinic setup.
Navigate to: System Settings > Users > Create New User
Ensure you are logged into the System Dashboard before proceeding. If you see multiple tabs, look for one labeled System Settings. If you see that tab, you are good to go. If you see a calendar, you are in a location view. Click the green box in the top-right corner of your screen to return to the System Dashboard.
System-Level Users: These users can be granted permission to modify system settings and/or access multiple locations. In this step, you will create users who need access to the System Dashboard and one or more locations.
Location Users and Calendars: These will be set up later in the Location Setup chapter. Users created at the location level will not have access to the System Dashboard and will only appear under the Location Users tab.
Important Notes -
Each user must have a unique personal login with a distinct email address. The system will display an error if you attempt to use the same email address for multiple users.
Optional Steps
Step #2 - Restrict User Creation
To restrict user creation to only System Admins, follow these steps. If you prefer not to impose this restriction, you can skip this step.
Navigate to System Dashboard > System Settings > System Configuration.
Enable the option Require System Admin to Create Users
With this setting enabled, only System Admins will be able to create new users. This option is useful for monitoring or controlling user creation.
Step #3 - Configure Allowed Domains
The Domain Restriction feature allows System Admins to specify an email domain unique to their office or franchise. This feature restricts the creation of new users in ChiroHD to those with email addresses matching the specified domain. While optional, this feature enhances security and compliance by controlling who can be added as a user.
Example: If your company uses email addresses with the domain, you can configure this restriction to ensure that only users with this domain can be created in ChiroHD, thus preventing the use of personal email addresses.
To configure allowed domains:
Navigate to System Dashboard > System Settings > System Configuration.
Enable the option Enable Allowed Domains
Go to the System Settings tab at the top of the page and select Users.
Under Allowed User Domains, click Edit > + Domain.
Enter the desired domain(s) and click Save.
You can add multiple domain restrictions and easily edit or remove them as needed.