This guide will help you customize key demographic information for your clinic, including your Group (Type 2) NPI, Tax Rates, Legal Name, Default Providers, and Social Media Links.
Accessing Office Info
Log in to your live location.
Navigate to Settings.
Click Office.
Select Office Info.
Basic Info
Location Name: Enter the full name of your clinic (used in email templates, text reminders, and reports).
Short Name: A shorter version for system display.
Additional Info: Displays on the location card in the system dashboard.
Location Email: The default email for outgoing communication.
Opening Date: Set your clinic’s go-live date.
Is this a text location?: Indicating if this is your live location or test location. This will be set for you by default.
Location Phone: Office's phone number.
Fax Number: Office's fax number.
Time Zone:
DO NOT change this manually. Contact support if incorrect.
Physical Address
Physical Address: Enter full location details.
Billing Address: Select Same as physical address if applicable.
This is in regard to billing health insurance.
User Assignment
Default Owning User: Required for scheduling.
Default Calendar Provider: Used for walk-in check-ins.
Default Billing Provider: Populates insurance claims unless specified per item.
If an office is using the New Insurance Paradigm, this field is no longer applicable.
Integration Information
Website & Social Media Links: Ensure URLs are fully entered for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. We do not connect with your social media accounts, but you can simply list them here.
Location Slug: A lowercase, URL-friendly version of your location name for web links (intake and digital forms). We populate this for you by default.
Important - please do not update this unless you reach out to Support first. Repeatedly changing this will break links that have been sent to patients, so you want to avoid changing this field.
Location Specific Logo:
Dark Logo: The dark logo will show in areas with lighter colors on the screen, such as the top right corner of the system, the patient check-in screen, and on your paperwork.
Light Logo: The light logo will show in areas with darker colors on the screen, such as the screensaver and the SOAP note screen.
Billing and Insurance
Location Legal Name: Please input your office's legal name. Verify accuracy.
Report Name Display: Choose between Legal Name or Location Name for reports.
Type 2 NPI Number:
Used for location-wide claims.
Individual providers’ NPIs are set under the Providers tab.
If multiple Type 2 NPIs exist, ensure no overlapping active dates.
Tax Settings
Tax Rates:
Set applicable tax rates. You can name the tax rate.
Automatically applied to all inventory items unless items are marked non-taxable.
Tax is never added to services.
Choose Normal or Pre-Tax in tax rate settings.
Final Steps
Save Changes: Click Save to confirm updates.