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BridgePay - Setting up a Terminal, Workflows, FAQ
Updated over 4 months ago

Setting Up The Integration & Terminal:

  1. Navigate to the System Dashboard > System Settings > Payment Types > click on "Show Inactive" > select BridgePay.

  2. Navigate to the location > Settings > Initial Setup > Integrations > Merchant Service > select BridgePay from the drop-down menu.

BridgePay will typically set up this integration, but the instructions will still be provided below.

Section A -

All credentials for this section have to be provided from BridgePay.

This section will also establish the office's default terminal as an office needs to have at least one terminal in order to run payments.

Section B -
An office can add more than one terminal by clicking "Add Terminal." Make sure to give each terminal a distinguishing name so that you can select the desired terminal when running payments.

Misc. Workflows


  • What do the payment statuses mean on the transaction history in a patient's BridePag contact?




A payment has been initiated, but has not fully settled through BridgePay.


A payment has been ran, BridgePay has received/acknowledged the transaction.

This transaction is technically still "unsettled" at this point.


BridgePay considers the transaction complete.

  • Can you do split payments?

    • At this time, we are not able to support split payments in ChiroHD. To manage split payments, you will need to process them directly through the BP network, or create on lump sum payment and then do transfers in ChiroHD to the other accounts.

  • If I made a payment in error, how can I void the payment?

    • If a payment has not been settled by BridgePay, you can void in the payment on the patient's ChiroHD ledger by clicking on the "x" under the Edit column. If the payment is in a settled status, you would need to reach out to BridgePay about correcting the payment.

  • What happens if a payment has been made through the ChiroHD new transaction button, and it is not showing on the patient's ledger in ChiroHD?

    • Navigate to the patient's ledger > Transaction History > click on the ReSync button on the payment itself > close screen > refresh ChiroHD.

  • What happens if a payment fails?

    • BridgePay will allow two more retires (totallying three attempts) of running the same card back-to-back. If all three tries fail, you will need to use an alternative payment method.

  • Can I save multiple cards on file?

    • Yes

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